Contributing author, “Notes of Hope”.

Contributing Author, National Flute Association’s Pedagogy Anthology.

The Breathing Book for Flutists, Mountain Peak Music, Flagstaff, AZ

Move Well, Avoid Injury, DVD, Andover Productions, Portland, OR, August 2009

“Performance Anxiety: A Resource Guide.” Flutist Quarterly, Spring Issue, 2009

“Body Mapping: What Every Musician Needs to Know About the Body.”, February 5, 2009

“To Your Health.” Co-authored with Ralph Manchester, MD, and Michael Weinstein, MD

  • Flutist Quarterly, Winter Issue, 2008
  • A summary of the 2004 Health Promotion in Schools of Music Conference and the ongoing work since the conference

“A First Rate Group” Flutist Quarterly, Spring Issue, 2005.

“Pregnancy and Childbirth with the Alexander Technique”