Alexander Technique Residential Workshop at CU Boulder

March 1, 2013By amylikarFeatured, In The News

I’ll be joining my colleagues Jim Brody and Ed Bilanchone for a wonderful week at CU Boulder again. July 8-12, 2013 for the daily workshop and a one day intensive workshop on July 13.  Please visit the CU website for more information about registering for this wonderful workshop.

December 5 and 7 Festival Opera

November 30, 2012By amylikarFeatured, In The News

I’ll be performing for Festival Opera’s production of About Face this week. Visit for more information. Also read the article in San Francisco Classical Voice about the production

NFA Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada August 9-12, 2012

July 31, 2012By amylikarFeatured, In The News

I’ll be attending the 40th National Flute Association Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Friday August 10, 5:00-5:50 in Milano 5-6  Short and Sweet Concert: The Alcyone Ensemble will be performing Tracoline by Donjon with accordionist Anne Charboneau Saturday August 11, 1:00-2:30 in the Pisa-Palermo room, Celebrating NFA Commissions:  I’ll be performing Paul Schoenfeld’s Psychobird with Margaret McDonald. … Read More

April 21, 2012 Workshop with Barbara Conable for Alexander Technique Teachers

March 16, 2012By amylikarIn The News

In 2009 Barbara Conable and Doris Dietschy presented a workshop in Switzerland called: Mapping the Self:  What is my Self Map as an Alexander Technique Teacher? Materials from this workshop can accessed at: I was able to spend three hours this past summer at the Lugano Congress taking this workshop with Doris.  I loved … Read More

Class at Musically Minded in Oakland

February 28, 2012By amylikarIn The News

Join Amy Likar and Stacey Pelinka for a weekly class at Musically Minded Academy Fridays from 9:30 until noon until March 30 $250 for all sessions or $50 for a drop in session Visit for more information and to register!  Hope to see you there!