Summerflute this year will be back at the beautiful campus of Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia.
Compelling performances are ones where the people involved are thinking more about musical intentions and less about themselves and the mistakes they make. As a performer or a listener, I want to be drawn into the music. I care deeply about what it is I’m doing and I want the listeners to feel that as well. I also understand that caring deeply can lead to performance anxiety because the caring can be masked as perfectionism. I like reframing the energy of caring deeply as a more positive approach of using my whole mind and body to create a musical experience for myself and my listener. The authentic you making music you enjoy will always be better than the perfect you.
This master class has an outstanding staff ready willing and able to guide participants through the process of finding freedom and ease in their musicianship.
I’m thrilled to be joining colleagues Carol Wincenc, Andree Martin, Kelly Wilson and Liisa Ruoho along with Alexander Technique Teacher Bob Britton and Feldenkrias(TM)Practitioner Mark Erickson.
This is a wonderful master class for musicians looking to find more ease and freedom in their performances. Attendees will take Body Mapping classes, Alexander Technique classes, Feldenkrias Awareness Through Movement Classes. And then there are Performance Master Classes to put all of the knowledge from the somatic classes in to practice in performance.
I hope you can join us this summer. I promise you it will be life changing.
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