June 29-July 3, 2014 Schwob School of Music


In 2014, Summerflute will be held at the beautiful Schwob School of Music at Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia.

In a fun, creative and supportive atmosphere, flutists have an unprecedented opportunity to learn through the combination of the Body Mapping course, What Every Flutist Needs to Know About the Body, evening master classes, and private lessons with teachers trained to observe body use. This years’ faculty includes Robert Britton, Mark Erickson, Amy Likar, Andree Martin, Liisa Ruoho, and Kelly Wilson.

The Body Mapping course allows flutists the opportunity to learn how to organize their bodies freely around a musical intention. Through lectures, discussion and active participation, students learn that the quality of movement affects the quality of the musicianship.

In this 5-day workshop, attendees will learn how to use self-awareness (through Feldenkrais), practical anatomy (through body mapping), and the Alexander Technique to be become better performers.

Participants taking this workshop will:

  1. Take private lessons with teachers trained to observe body use.
  2. Take the 6-hour body mapping course, What Every Flutist Needs to Know About the Body
  3. Learn how to find balance and move well in order to play with better technique and tone.
  4. Gain insight on the connection between the physical, intellectual, and emotional parts of ourselves for more effective musical expression.
  5. Take group Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons
  6. Take group Alexander Technique lessons and learn the basic principles of AT and more.
  7. Observe Liisa Ruoho and Amy Likar teach masterclasses with a body mapping and Alexander technique perspective.
  8. Performers will perform for Liisa Ruoho during the masterclasses.
  9. Have the option of getting additional private flute, body mapping, Feldenkrais, or Alexander Technique lessons.